Be Kissable with Rockstar White

Do you want a brighter smile? Over time, our teeth can become stained with unsightly discoloration. Sometimes the foods and drinks we consume dull our smiles. Other times, smoking, the use of certain medications, and even trauma can lead to embarrassing stains on our teeth.

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It Takes Seven Seconds to make the first Impression

The law of attraction states that “like attracts like”. Give focus, attention and attract yourself to attract others. If you have been wanting something to improve your life, and if that something is beauty and health, then take advantage of a simple procedure that will improve your smile and make your teeth and gums healthier.

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Managing Bad Breath

Ever wanted to whiten your teeth? A recent publication in the Journal of American Dental Association demonstrated that whitening gels when combined with a tray-type system can improve oral health and reduce plaque and bacteria.

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Dr. Dennis Hunt